How time flies. Now he is one year old today.
The past year has not been easy for us as we had to cope with two children instead of one. A lot of adjustments had to be made. I remembered that Kyan had to adjust to having a new member, a littler one than he is, to the family,. He, of course, threw tantrums to get our attention. We would try to spend as much time as possible with him alone to let him know that we still love him. Although now he still refuses to share his toys with his brother, he'll show in other ways that he loves his brother still. Like the time we had to send Rayden to Aunt Peg's and him to Ah Ma's house, he kept asking where his "didi" was the whole day. I think he'd probably felt lonely without his brother around!
Rayden used to be so chubby but after the bout of sickness with HFMD and other minor ailments, he's toned down in terms of weight. Although milk, apart from breastmilk, isn't exactly his cup of tea, he 'll still drink some every now and then. He loves to eat, from bread to biscuit to porridge! As long as it is food, he'll tell you "mum, mum" and demands to be fed. He loves to self-feed too and sometimes feed himself a tad too fast. He also knows how to associate the kitchen with food. Every morning when he wakes up, he'll point to the kitchen and mutter "mum, mum", indicating that he has to be carried there for his breakfast. Isn't he smart? *winks* Besides that, he'll show his anger if he is not allowed any food. He'll clench his fist and make noise!
Animal Lover - or rather "bird" lover
He is so amazed with birds! Each time he's outdoors, he'll point at the birds he can spot with his eyes. He loves dogs and cats too. Well, these are the common animals we usually see when we go out. On his first trip to the zoo, he was so excited at seeing so many animals, everything is "bird" or "dog" to him. We'll be at the enclosures looking at the animals when all of a sudden, he'll shout "bird" cos there are birds flying around. I'm surprised that he can actually mutter the word "bird", "cat" and "doggie" cos I don't remember Kyan being able to say that at his age.
He also loves to play balls! He'll throw the ball to you and wait for you to throw it back to him. He also knows how to say "ball" rather clearly.
Because of Kyan, Rayden knows that a pen/pencil is for writing on paper. Each time you give him a pen and a piece of paper, he'll know to point the pen onto the paper and start dotting on it. Maybe because he has seen Kyan do that and thus " monkey see, monkey do".
Everyone tells me the 2nd child is quicker in terms of physical and language development. Rayden is faster than Kyan linguistically but not so physically cos he still can't walk! Kyan seemed to be able to walk unsteadily on his own at one year of age but not Rayden. He only stands on his feet but refuses to take a step forward unless you hold his hand.
Nevertheless, he's just so cute, in fact he's getting cuter by the day! He's so responsive to the people around him now. I know I have to cherish this stage cos he'll outgrow this very soon. Once he starts walking, he'll not be so independent to mummy then. Let's see if I'll yearn for another then.