Wednesday, September 12, 2007


If we think about it, we are constantly being bogged by relationship problems.

Before marriage, we worry about things like " Am I going to marry this guy?", " Is he the rightful one for me?", " What if he's not the one?" There are a million what-ifs. You can never sort it out.

After you are married, another new set of what-ifs surfaced themselves, like an icky prick - "What if my marriage doesn't work out?", "What if he has AN affair?" Like I've said, the pesky little what-ifs will always stay, whether you like it or not.

The only difference is that after you are married, these what-ifs don't bother you as much. I guess that's cos a lot of issues are already settled. "Settled". How apt. Settled = Married.

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