I've been wanting to post his for quite some time but didn't get the chance to do it...until now. Here's my take for year 2007...
Jan 2007-
Asri, Kyan and I (with baby Rayden inside me) went for a 3day-2night vacation to Club Med Bintan. It was pure enjoyment with us eating and eating non-stop! I must have gained a few pounds!
Mar 2007-
Back to teaching at school. Was in the morning session. IT was terrible having to teach and being pregnant at the same time. Did a lot of relief. Sometimes 9 periods straight. Was so hungry!
Apr 2007-
Baby Rayden was born on 30th April 2007 @ 1349. He was an overdue baby! Due date's supposed to be 28th April. I guessed he didn't feel ready to come out then.
I was at my mum's on 29th April. Felt mild contractions but could still take it. Came back with Kyan in the evening time. Asri had to work late. Then the contractions were stronger. It was 12midnight. I knew it wouldn't be so fast so I forced myself to sleep. Kept waking up every 15mins to 1/2 hour. It rained heavily in the middle of the night. I felt too lazy to wake up and prepare everything in the cozy weather so I forced myself to sleep again. Finally woke up at 6am. Called school to tell them I wasn't going that day. Then we packed and sent the half-sleep Kyan to my mum's.
When we got to the hospital, it was already 715am. Was admitted and waited for Doc Han to come. Told him straight that I wanted epidural. I did not want to challenge my threshold for pain. He said he had to burst the waterbag before they could administer the jab. Trust me- I've never been so violated before! The pain of the waterbag being burst was@!!?? After the jab, I could relax and sleep while waiting for the dilation.
THEN I felt pain! Extreme pain on my right abdominal. Called in the doc. He said there was a slight chance that my C-section wound may burst! I panicked. I was in so much pain that I asked to have the epidural dosage increased! Thank God they did. And I was back to my initial relaxed state. *phew*
Soon it was noon. Asri felt hungry so he went down to have a bite. The nurse came in to check for my dilation. She asked where Asri had gone to. I told her he was having lunch. She said I had better get him to come back FAST.
He did but he smelt so much of curry that I felt sick. So poor him, he went to gargle his mouth with liquid hand wash to get rid of the smell. Then Doc Han came in. I was asked to lift up my legs. Apparently, I've reached full dilation and they could see the baby's hair! I was asked to push. I did but I couldn't feel anything! So Doc Han actually pushed my stomach in a downward motion to "push" the baby out. Then the nurse had to clean his mouth before she "whacked" him to make him cry. Th reason being-he had pooped and had poo on his mouth! Yuck! *smiles* That's baby Rayden!
Then he was weighed and measured....while I was being stitched up. I didn't feel anything at all. I could still laugh and joke. Then I held Baby Rayden in my arms. The feeling was just indescribable.
I stayed a night at the hospital and it sucked cos I couldn't sleep. I missed Kyan and Asri so much. The good thing was I could go back the next day. The bad news was that baby Rayden had to stay on cos he had jaundice. Poor thing!
Thank God he could go back on 2nd May. Then that was the start of the month long confinement period.
May 2007-
To sum it up, I've been through RE_STITCHING of the wound!, Malay massage in which Saniah burped so excessively, breastfeeding and spending lots of time online! *Grin*
June 2007-
Back to work at the centre and Baby Rayden was placed in Bright Kids.
August 2007-
Finally mustered up enough courage to go for lasik! Actually, Belle and I had our op just a day after our evaluation test so there wasn't much time to think. It was the best rash decision I've made for myself. It was as if I've regained my "new" eyesight, which logically speaking, is quite true.
September 2007-
I received my first Coach bag from darling Asri for my birthday! *Whee*
December 2007-
I received my first Coach wallet from Asri...again! *yay*
In General:Jan 2007-
Asri, Kyan and I (with baby Rayden inside me) went for a 3day-2night vacation to Club Med Bintan. It was pure enjoyment with us eating and eating non-stop! I must have gained a few pounds!
Mar 2007-
Back to teaching at school. Was in the morning session. IT was terrible having to teach and being pregnant at the same time. Did a lot of relief. Sometimes 9 periods straight. Was so hungry!
Apr 2007-
Baby Rayden was born on 30th April 2007 @ 1349. He was an overdue baby! Due date's supposed to be 28th April. I guessed he didn't feel ready to come out then.
I was at my mum's on 29th April. Felt mild contractions but could still take it. Came back with Kyan in the evening time. Asri had to work late. Then the contractions were stronger. It was 12midnight. I knew it wouldn't be so fast so I forced myself to sleep. Kept waking up every 15mins to 1/2 hour. It rained heavily in the middle of the night. I felt too lazy to wake up and prepare everything in the cozy weather so I forced myself to sleep again. Finally woke up at 6am. Called school to tell them I wasn't going that day. Then we packed and sent the half-sleep Kyan to my mum's.
When we got to the hospital, it was already 715am. Was admitted and waited for Doc Han to come. Told him straight that I wanted epidural. I did not want to challenge my threshold for pain. He said he had to burst the waterbag before they could administer the jab. Trust me- I've never been so violated before! The pain of the waterbag being burst was@!!?? After the jab, I could relax and sleep while waiting for the dilation.
THEN I felt pain! Extreme pain on my right abdominal. Called in the doc. He said there was a slight chance that my C-section wound may burst! I panicked. I was in so much pain that I asked to have the epidural dosage increased! Thank God they did. And I was back to my initial relaxed state. *phew*
Soon it was noon. Asri felt hungry so he went down to have a bite. The nurse came in to check for my dilation. She asked where Asri had gone to. I told her he was having lunch. She said I had better get him to come back FAST.
He did but he smelt so much of curry that I felt sick. So poor him, he went to gargle his mouth with liquid hand wash to get rid of the smell. Then Doc Han came in. I was asked to lift up my legs. Apparently, I've reached full dilation and they could see the baby's hair! I was asked to push. I did but I couldn't feel anything! So Doc Han actually pushed my stomach in a downward motion to "push" the baby out. Then the nurse had to clean his mouth before she "whacked" him to make him cry. Th reason being-he had pooped and had poo on his mouth! Yuck! *smiles* That's baby Rayden!
Then he was weighed and measured....while I was being stitched up. I didn't feel anything at all. I could still laugh and joke. Then I held Baby Rayden in my arms. The feeling was just indescribable.
I stayed a night at the hospital and it sucked cos I couldn't sleep. I missed Kyan and Asri so much. The good thing was I could go back the next day. The bad news was that baby Rayden had to stay on cos he had jaundice. Poor thing!
Thank God he could go back on 2nd May. Then that was the start of the month long confinement period.
May 2007-
To sum it up, I've been through RE_STITCHING of the wound!, Malay massage in which Saniah burped so excessively, breastfeeding and spending lots of time online! *Grin*
June 2007-
Back to work at the centre and Baby Rayden was placed in Bright Kids.
August 2007-
Finally mustered up enough courage to go for lasik! Actually, Belle and I had our op just a day after our evaluation test so there wasn't much time to think. It was the best rash decision I've made for myself. It was as if I've regained my "new" eyesight, which logically speaking, is quite true.
September 2007-
I received my first Coach bag from darling Asri for my birthday! *Whee*
December 2007-
I received my first Coach wallet from Asri...again! *yay*
- Centre's biz was better this year than last year. May it be better next year!
- I'm happy with my life at the present moment. Everything's in place and I feel contented.
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